Antique Shop

Ulva Diversehandel

Opening Hours

Saturday - Sunday


Easter: 29/3-1/4,  11.00-16.00


Contact Us

Mats Engström
Telephone: 0708-216066

Ulva Diversehandel (Thrift store on the 2nd Floor of the White Mill House at the river bank)

A unique thrift store with a diverse concoction of various antique articles, retro and second-hand products. The store carries a wide variety of everything ranging from articles from older homes to newer designs, mainly 50s-70s. We especially have a lot of glass, ceramics and designer porcelain.

We buy whole or parts of home so contact us if interested for an offer. Contact us to book an appointment for a home visit if there are lot of things or furnitures. Otherwise, bring along what you want to sell during our opening hours and we will be happy to give a price estimation and / or purchase it.

Check out our online shop at Tradera:

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